
True Stories from 1980 until NOW of God's redeeming grace & love!

Picture of Brother Larry

Brother "L"

"I'm not your pastor, I'm your brother"

I've traveled the world, met the best and the worst of mankind (been one of the worst), if you can imagine it I or my acquaintances have probably done it (BTW, I'm not proud of that either). We were all in a nose dive to the pit of Hell, some pulled up, some didn't, I've got REAL stories to share from 1980 until Now! Some are two minutes, some are 10 minutes, all have happened! I'll share them with you so you learn and judge for yourself. Yeah, I had to change names and states but, you knew that.

Start thinking about what you'd like to share with the listeners and get in touch with me!
A good "true" story is worth its weight in gold!

God Bless.

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

Ephesians 2:4-5

Loss Of Innocence

Podcast Episode # 274

After hearing a few of our youth engaged in a conversation that featured colorful banter, our author thought back to his youth and an adult situation that he listened to and understood at the tender age of 12. He warns today’s parents to preserve their children’s innocence as long as they can!

Bro. "L"

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