
“What’s The Rush?!”

Podcast #220

The author wants to remind those of us with busy and active lives to slow down in the new year and take 10 minutes each morning to meet with our Lord. He lays out an easy 10 minute game plan that anyone can follow. Let us all just, take a breath, slow the pace, and give time to God before rushing on with our days!

Bro. "L"

So, What’s Your Problem?

Podcast #219

The author recalls the story of a musician who seemed to have an obvious physical impairment who was able to rise far above it to achieve his goals. He also gives us a parallel example of another situation involving a disfigured animal who; despite its shortcomings was able to adapt and function as well as any of its kind! So, What’s Your Problem?!  

Bro. "L"

An Absence Of Joy?

Podcast #218

The author reads a letter from a young man who’s struggling with balancing life as a Christian and dealing with isolation in the secular world. The young man is strong in his faith but still feels like he’s on the outside of the circle when not involved in Church World. He asks the author for a word of wisdom from scripture.

Bro. "L"

Never Neglect Friendships

Podcast #217

The author reminds us of how important our friendship relationships are and how we shouldn’t neglect them. Our time together flies by so quickly, and life changes constantly so; we should always make an effort to stay connected. We also take a small snapshot (or snippet) of what the Bible says about friendships!

Bro. "L"

“The Phony Timer!”

Podcast #215

The author reminds us that we should carefully inspect the words, deeds and intentions of those who say that they love our Lord and Savior but, don’t appear to. Without judgement, use discernment and see if everything lines up. Check out the story from the authors BC (before Christ) days and you’ll see what we mean. It’s okay to be a FRUIT inspector!

Bro. "L"

PC or JC, Which Is It?

Podcast #214

The author speaks about the recent cultural trend of “Self Identifying” and the liberties people take when trying to convince others of who they believe themselves to be! Much of what is on display is falsehood and prideful posturing. So, will you be “politically correct” or “Jesus correct?”  Choose this day, your truth. 

Bro. "L"

“Bo’s Letter”

Podcast #213

This past week, the author was contacted by a friend who shared an encounter he had with a stranger he lifted up in prayer after noticing how distressed he looked. The stranger returned to thank the friend for prayer and to let him know that God is doing a great work in his life- Amen!

Bro. "L"

“Let’s Play A Game”!

Podcast #212

In this episode, the author returns to an old familiar game that was very popular in a previous show several months ago. So, get your paper and pen ready to participate in a short 10 question game of Bible Trivia! Just this week, we’ll take a little detour from the usual format.

Jeopardy “Think” music is the property of Merv Griffin Enterprises and Coca-Cola – 1986.  

Bro. "L"

“Regrets, I’ve Had A Few”

Podcast #211

A good friend of the author shares with him a few of his biggest regrets from his past. The author lets him know that even God our father had regrets about creating mankind before the flood (Genesis 6:7) so, he shouldn’t be too hard on himself. The author also speaks on the best way forward.

Bro. "L"

What Will Be Your Legacy?

Podcast #210

The author reads a story from a good friend that describes the legacy left by her father that is still influencing and blessing young people in her community two generations later! Ask yourself; what will be your legacy?

Bro. "L"

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