What Would You Pay?
Podcast #230
In a conversation with others about what they would do if they became major lottery winners, the author turns the table and asks what they would do if after a year they were put into a situation that could make that money disappear or have a loved one potentially disappear? Where is your heart on this…
Bro. "L"
I Forgive You & Me!
Podcast #229
A brother in Christ still occasionally struggles with anger issues and forgiveness. After he has come to repentance and has asked for God’s forgiveness, as well as forgiving those who have offended him; he has trouble forgiving himself!
Bro. "L"
Podcast #228
In this episode, our author uses Ol’ Skool musician slang to describe and compare the degree of our faithfulness when it comes to our Christian walk. So, are you Off-the-rails, Copasetic, or The Truth? You decide.
Bro. "L"
No Weapon Formed Against Me…
Podcast #227
The author recalls a story from one of his colleagues that felt like he was being challenged by the evil one because of his devotion to Christ Jesus. Even though he was challenged, the battle belonged to God who is never defeated!
Bro. "L"
No Membership Required!
Podcast #226
The author recalls a story given to him from a good friend several months ago when he was offered the opportunity to join several Motorcycle clubs that had different objectives and requirements. The friend made his choice however, our author had a different viewpoint based on the word of God.
Bro. "L"
Beginnings & Encouragement
The author and Imforrealyesitztrue.com wish each and every one of you a Happy, Blessed, and Joyful New Year!! After a rough 2022, we are reminded that we serve a God of 2nd chances and more and that we simply need to start fresh (push the RESET)! Let’s make 2023 the year we draw even closer to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Special Music by: Chicago – Beginnings, 1969
Bro. "L"
Where I First Heard The Christmas Story
Podcast #224
On this final podcast of 2022, the author recalls a time in his childhood that allowed him to hear and understand the Christmas story through the watching of a popular cartoon that was a yearly favorite in his home and many throughout the U.S. Perhaps you’ll recall this as well? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at:
Bro. "L"
Unwrap Your Present!
Podcast #223
The author tells a story of his 12 year old self and how he couldn’t wait to go downstairs on Christmas Day to enjoy the present he’d been waiting for, for over two years. He also reminds us that we have a present or the free gift of salvation that will forever change our lives once we open it or accept Jesus Christ as Saviour, Lord of all Creation, Father and Friend! Why wait, unwrap your present NOW!
Bro. "L"
God’s Redeeming Grace
Podcast #221
In this first In-Studio interview the author asks his special guest questions about his earlier life and how God has lead him through to the present time. His successful journey is like many of ours after we’ve made the decision to follow Christ with our whole heart! Check out our first effort, (please forgive the fuzzy images -we’re in our infancy)
Bro. "L"
“What’s The Rush?!”
Podcast #220
The author wants to remind those of us with busy and active lives to slow down in the new year and take 10 minutes each morning to meet with our Lord. He lays out an easy 10 minute game plan that anyone can follow. Let us all just, take a breath, slow the pace, and give time to God before rushing on with our days!