
Satan Holds A Grudge!

Podcast #208

The author recalls a story from 2001 when he was on-the-road with other professional musicians. One of his colleagues who was recently engaged to be married; faced strong temptation from a woman who was perfectly cut from his fantasies. Because he was able to flee the temptation he feels like Satan has been holding a grudge against him ever since! Let’s see what scripture has to say.

Bro. "L"

“Tea Bags!”

Podcast #207

The author shares a letter from a friend who went through a season of stress and misfortune. Now looking back he could see how God never left his side and carried him through the storm. He shares a few of his favorite passages that helped him through those times.

Bro. "L"

“Take Your MEDICINE! “

Podcast #206

A friend of the author calls him to ask for prayer after stumbling and falling into sin, even though he’s been saved a long time and is not a back-slider. The author assures him that we serve a forgiving and loving God who will not turn his back on His children and after repentance; God will welcome him back with open arms and forget all trespasses! 

Bro. "L"


Podcast #205

The author references an Alternative Rock song from 1994 whose hook was undefinable but, leaned toward describing those who get caught up in the hype-of-the-day and become “infected and affected” by false teaching and personality cults. Note: Cling to God’s word only!

Special music by: Bad Religion – 1994 – “Infected”  

Bro. "L"

C H A N G E !”

Podcast #204

The author, like many of us has gone through tremendous “changes” in the last two years. He seeks to remind us by way of encouragement that, change can be a very good thing for each of us if we are open to learning, being flexible and figuring out where we fit into the inevitable future events soon to unfold. He also examines what the Bible says about “change”.

Bro. "L"

THINK For Yourself!

Podcast #203

The author tells the story of a controversial Christian based book/movie and his feelings about it; versus the thoughts of a young pastor and how he shut his mind off to the possibility of personal examination based off of someone else’s opinion! 

Bro. "L"

“Sure, But It’ll Cost You! “

Podcast #202

The author tells the story of an old friend who had an addiction to a snack that would actually give him a facial rash. His friend made the choice to suffer the consequences of eating the snack because doing without it would make his life much less enjoyable! Let’s see what scripture says about living with the consequences of our actions

Bro. "L"

“The DANCE!”

Podcast #201

The author takes us back through decades and different styles of dancing. He also recalls a question given to a young pastor about rather or not we should dance? The Bible clearly shows many times that servants of the Lord were engaged in dance as a form of worship and gratitude!

Bro. "L"

Almost Immortal!

Podcast #200

The author reminds those of us who are mature that, we need to be careful of what we say and do so that we don’t unwittingly influence the next generation in negative ways! Let us lead by speaking love and life into those who will come after us! The author reminds those of us who are mature that, we need to be careful of what we say and do so that we don’t unwittingly influence the next generation in negative ways! Let us lead by speaking love and life into those who will come after us!

Bro. "L"

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