
A Seat At His Table!

Podcast Episode #253

The author speaks about how inclusiveness is a good thing but, how exclusiveness is a better thing!

Bro. "L"

Slow Down Chicken Counters!

Podcast Episode #252

One of the authors dear friends had amazingly good news which would have changed both of their lives and redirected the future, but instead of praying for God’s will to be done; they started making plans and counting dollars! See what sadly ends up happening.

Bro. "L"

Right Reason, Wrong Method!

Podcast Episode #251

An old friend of the author who lived with a “Robinhood Complex”, believed he was doing God’s will when he willfully chose to do wrong in order to serve those who were in desperate need of life’s basic necessities. He forgot that God can achieve His will through those who choose to bless people the “Right” way….His way!

Bro. "L"

Let It Go, God’s Got It!

Podcast Episode #250

At times we as Christians and others have to suffer injustices at the hands of others. We need to learn to trust God throughout that season and know that He will make it right for us!

Bro. "L"

Too Busy?!

Podcast Episode #249

We can make ourselves so busy with life that we sometimes make the Giver of Life take a back seat to our everyday rushing around. We need to re-think our agenda!

Bro. "L"

Stop Chasing Your Tail!

Podcast Episode #248

A friend of the author has learned the age-old politicians trick of not giving a straight answer to direct questions, leaving room to back-pedal if needed. We searched the scriptures to see what the Bible has to say about that kind of behavior!

Bro. "L"

“Pedestals” (Encore Performance)

Podcast Episode #150

As a young man our host often put people in authoritative positions in a higher place than he should have. He had to learn that God created us all the same, see’s and loves us all the same and we should do likewise. See how scripture backs this up.

Bro. "L"

The Price Of Humility!

Podcast Episode #247

A Public Works employee was given a deplorable task to perform and his coworkers mocked him for it. Instead of thinking he was above the task he remembered a radio Bible study on humility and decided to look at the task through the lens of scripture! Bro.”L”

Bro. "L"

Generational Differences!

Podcast Episode #246

By way of observation, the author and an old friend look at the different ways two generations view the same subjects with generational aesthetics in place, both are heading toward the same goal! The author points out a parallel when it comes to studying the word of God.

Bro. "L"

Didn’t See That Coming!

Podcast Episode #245

A brother in Christ tells us that he doesn’t understand why God grants so many chances to many of us who are constantly living contrary to His will, ways and word? He believes many of us take advantage of God’s mercy and long suffering! We will see what the Bible says about the way our loving God feels!

Bro. "L"

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